Ahh poor Blog ! - it's been a bit neglected whilst I a) frantically try to finish as many bears for the TBAE as I can , and b) sniff / croak / cough / complain about ear ache and dizziness !! Our household has been struck by a profusion of nasty colds which seem to be lingering with malicious delight .... I haven't even been able to keep sewing past 10.30 pm !! Tsk - that's not going to get me a bumper crop of bearies is it ?
I had intended to make a lovely post about Poole's Cavern ; waxing lyrical about its scenic wonders , in true "Travelog" style ... but.... well , I'll leave the photos to speak for themselves . Actually it's a very difficult place to get any decent photos due to the extremely low light levels . Apparently the cave was used right back to the Bronze Age , and many intriguing human remains have been found inside . In one recess a tiny altar was unearthed which naturally gathered a pool of water underneath . A skeleton family of 2 adults and a child were found huddled next to this , seemingly with their arms around each other .... well details like that make my imagination run riot ! The Romans definitely made use of the cave as well , and are said to have battled the Briganti in the area ; a particularly hostile set of Celts who had settled in the Peak District , and loved a blood thirsty battle !
The cavern is named after John Poole - a Highwayman , known to have hidden inside , then later living (and dying) as a hermit within the dark , calcite laden walls . It's pretty cold inside too ; remaining a constant 7 degrees , and past the first wide open "hall" the cave narrows , but accommodates the river Wye which during bad weather rushes through amongst the boulders in full spate .
There are many points of interest in the tour ; a couple being The Flitch of Bacon - a spectacular long stalactite , which was recently reunited with its tip (knocked off and buried outside by 18th century vandals !) and another huge round stalactite said to have been hugged and kissed by Mary Queen of Scots !! Well , they did only have candles back then !!
Brett's favourite information was that bats perennially roost in a high natural vault - what a brilliantly spooky place ! Actually a crew from one of those ghostly- shenanigans programmes have visited the cave ; setting up motion sensors near the "Mary" spot . When they visited the next day all the equipment was back in its boxes with the lids on ...............

I shall try to post some "work in progress" pics soon - just to prove I am getting things done !
T.T.F.N Ruth x