"Jade and Gem" - largest panda 2.25"

"Solar and Star" - largest polar 2"
The new 2012 catalogue can be purchased through the online shop pages here
I also have news of a litter of micro-pups which are exclusively appearing on my page at The Pursuit of Excellence artist collective; here's a sneak peek-
These little ones are available individually now (via convenient PayPal buttons) and I will continue to have exclusive items featured there, as well as pieces for the "Deck the Halls" online show; which starts on 11th to 14th of November, offering work from nine artists.
Before rushing back to my needles; Many Thanks to everybody who adopted a bear, or came for a friendly chat at Hugglets. I had a lovely time next to Melanie Jayne of Bear Treasures, and I was really delighted to pass "Coffee" on to a new owner enabling me to make that vital donation to the Macmillan "World's Biggest Coffee Morning". Many Cheers,
Ruth xx