Yes : I have got to the point now , in August , when I am starting to peek out tentatively toward the two UK Bear magazines . Or perhaps that should be
peek in to them ! Now why would that be ? We-e-ll , there could be two very exciting things going on ..... or maybe just one !
I entered the Teddy Bear Scene 2007 competition , in the Miniatures category , and it must now only be a matter of days before the nominees are revealed .
I submitted what I feel is one of my best pieces of work so far - but everyone's in the same boat here ; the standard is higher each year, and quite rightly the competition is gaining more popularity and many more entrants as time goes on . So - back to studiously forgetting about postal deliveries , dates and such !
The other super-exciting thing will be seen in the "September" issue of Teddy Bear Club International , which hits the stands on 20th August . I was so very lucky to be asked if I would like an artist profile in this issue .
Would I ?! I was absolutely bursting with pride , and I can honestly say (without being disingenuous)that it was a real honour for me .It's going to be such a thrill buying
that magazine ! I hope nobody will think I'm "tooting my own trumpet" smugly - I could never do that ! It can be one of the hardest things to exude confidence in what you do , and promote your abilities , yet not sound big-headed or horribly self satisfied .I'm not going to think/read too much in to this - just thoroughly enjoy seeing some of my words , and works on the printed page !!
I suppose I'll have to 'fess up if little "Pollyanna" doesn't make the final round ; I shall give her a picture on here anyway !
I hope the changes to my blog meet with approval too !
Ta Ta For Now !
Ruth xx