Well , actually I haven't got any holly - but I have put up all the rest of my Christmas bling ! It's one time in the year when I can surround myself with pretty / glittery / glossy / sparkley things and no males in the house complain !! We usually have at least 3 trees (amount of decoration is in inverse proportions to size of house , as a good rule of thumb) and as many pieces with glitter on as I can reasonably get away with . Whilst avoiding the dreaded "tacky" comments .
This year I chose a lovely new white tree , which is livening up the dining room . So it's lucky no one will be "dining" in there , as (obviously) there wouldn't be room now! Usually we all sit together in the kitchen (which is generally the hub of our universe!)
I can't get away from the fact that Christmas lights are so bewitching , not to mention beguiling - I wonder if my children feel the same ? I remember so vividly the magical excitement of coming sleepily down the stairs to find my father testing the fairy lights - with them strung across the floor ; the tiny , bright pools of impossibly enchanting light dancing across the carpet .The wonderment that would then suffuse my whole being - I then believed that Christmas was nearly here !

A huge part of Christmas to me is that special aroma , evoking more childhood memories of the days when mince pies were made on Christmas Eve . It should be 1 part cinnamon , 1 part clove and 2 parts orange !! Every year I go on a quest round the shops to find this extra special "essence of Christmas" in a can or bottle . Every morning when I come downstairs I liberally squirt the air and inhale .... aahhh !
My sons have told me this is how they know the festive season is well and truly upon them ! Mind you , there's absolutely no substitute for the real thing , and to that end several batches of mince pies will shortly be made . I always make star-topped , macaroon , and meringue . Also last year I first made puff pastry pin-wheels with mincemeat and flaked almonds (a complete doddle) Making shortcrust pastry is so relaxing , I love popping the batches of spicy little tarts in to the oven - and always sneak one or two "to try them out" when they're cool .

These new little bearies, sitting under the tiny rustic tree on my dining room dresser, look like they're enjoying themselves. I must say a big "Thank You" to (L to R) Samantha Potter, Tina Jenson and Clare Davis-Tedd for allowing me to adopt them - what a delightful little group!
T.T.F.N Ruth xx
awwww...Ruth, it's so lovely to see two of my little creations nestled happily in their new home! Its always nice to know they have gone to a good home!!
Hugs, Samantha x
Hi Samantha - it's great to have you stop by ! I love my two little girls ; I just knew they had to stay together :0) They all look so contented don't they ?
Mini Hugs , Ruth
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