Well , I just can't believe it
is the first day of May already !! I've been so busy , busy , busy - and soon the moment of showing the fruits of my labours will be upon me ; at the Teddy Bear Artist Event , June 8th in Stratford-upon-Avon !
Actually there's rather a flavour of "out with the old , in with the new" now that this month has arrived . Yesterday was the very last day that Bear Artists Online was in existence . I am really sad to see such a great site disappear in to the ether ; it was the first place that I felt I may just belong next to these people called "Bear Artists" , and I was so proud to be involved with a venture which brought me enormous personal satisfaction . It also gave me the privilege of reaching a wide audience of arctophiles , and enjoying the fantastic 24 hour online shows .

So we're well in to Spring , the bluebells are in full bloom at Apedale Country Park (up the road)
and I need to look ahead for the "new" things on my horizon ; the first of which will be the TBAE. My first-time exhibitor nerves are charging up nicely ! I made myself a list ages ago , of all the bits and pieces that are bound to be "de rigeur" when taking part in a show - actually it was quite
lonnnnggg. I can never do things by halves ... and everything must be just so .... or I'd have to hide in a corner !! I decided to get some cool , cute little cards made up to hang from the bags I'll be using .There are 3 colours and phrases .

I should have some more exciting bits coming through the post to me from the same print company , including another set of mini cards with a picture of "Pollyanna" and the Flutter-By Bears name on them . Good job I'm married to a clever stick who knows his way around a Photoshop montage or two !
Have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend all !
Ta Ta for now ,
Ruth X