Many thanks to Elanor of
Shantock Bears for passing along this fun award /Tag list . I've never tried to answer anything in only one word before ( I can't even use just 5 words when 25 convey
exactly what you mean ! LOL ) so I've had to leave my "Anne of Green Gables" head off this morning . Visit Elanor's blog to see how she answered - and drop in on her beautiful bears and mice too .
Rules :-
1. Use only 1 word answers.
2. Pass along to 6 of you favourite bloggers.
3. Tell them you've given them the award.
4. Have Fun !!
1. Where is your cell phone? "Huh?"2. Your hair? Annoying3. Your mother? Precious
4. Your father? Admirable
5. Your favorite food? Curries
6. Your dream last night? Comforting
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Togetherness
9. What room are you in? Dining
10. Your hobby ? Bears !
11. Your fear? Unthinkable
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Contented
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Unrealistic
15. Muffins? Occasionally :0)
16. Wish list item? 'Pool
17. Where did you grow up? Hertfordshire
18. Last thing you did? Dressed
19. What are you wearing? Bleuechh !
20. Your TV? Informative
21. Your pets? Gorgeous
22. Friends? Similar23. Your life? Busy24. Your mood? Hopeful25. Missing someone? Family26. Vehicle? "Chauffeured" !! :0)27. Something you’re not wearing? Tiara (;0)28. Your favorite store? Hobbycraft29. Your favorite color? PINK30. When was the last time you laughed? Morning31. Last time you cried? Today
32. Your best friend? Husband33. One place that I go to over and over? Hobbycraft !!34. One person who emails me regularly? Yes35. Favorite place to eat? Together As this is a bit of fun I've decided to include a completely random pic as well (why not ? It's Tuesday ???) Ashley took this at Longleat Safari Park this summer.This unfortunate creature is obviously having a Bad-Hair Day like me!!

I'll pass on the Award to :
Gail at Walnut Tree Corner Bears Sandi , Bearly Sane Teddies ,
Tina of TinyBear ,
Robyn at Mima's Bears ,
Pauline , Valewood Bears and
Sue of FenBeary Folk So please don't forget to visit them soon .
'Till Next Time ,
Huggies , Ruth XX