Well , here we are in 2010 already ! I'm sure that the previous year was one of the "shortest" on record , LOL ! My diary is beginning to fill up with deadlines , and my time seems to be starting as it means to go on ; in short supply :0)
Last year I had some firm resolutions to stick to - all bear related . This year I think I need to keep up what I've started ; keep stretching myself , promoting myself , and most of all keep confident about what and why I'm creating . As I wave Good bye to the old year there's time to reflect on what I achieved ( gaining Golden Teddy and BBA nominations , and taking part in both 2009 Hugglets fairs was thrilling ) and what I might do next ( maybe try some different competitions ) One of the most pleasing aspects of last year was that I forged links not only with highly regarded teddy retailers , but also some truly wonderful collectors who I really , sincerely appreciate.
On a more epicurean note ; how about this Pavlova I spent New Year's Day demolishing with my family ? Apologies to my Antipodean friends for the unconventional form - it was a toasted hazelnut meringue , filled with greek yogurt and cream (whip with brown sugar and lime) piled with strawberries and blueberries and finished off with lip-lacerating shards of crunchy caramel . Mmmmmmmmmm - yummmmmm . Good job I hadn't made New Year's reso's about "eating healthily" heeeheeeeee !

I'll be back soon , TaTa for Now ,
Ruth XX