You would think this blog would start with an introduction to the bears - plenty of pictures and mention of artistic intention , that sort of thing - wrong ! First I have a surfeit of motherly "glow" and pride to offload ; my 17 year old son - the eldest of the three , played his biggest gig yet with his band Defkon last night ! He is the lead singer and front man for the five piece , who veer stylistically from Incubus to Pantera .
On returning home last night , my Husband and middle son , eyes alight , were unanimous in their verdict ; Max and his friends totally "whaled" if ya know what I mean ! In spite of their tender ages they "owned" the stage at The Sugar Mill in Hanley ( Staffs, U.K ) and had the excitable , writhing , leaping crowd of teens in the palm of their hands.

I'm so proud of his achievement , and that of his friends ; Oliver and Joe on lead guitars , Vern on bass , and Ben -drums . They got a fantastic , partisan reception . On the last song of the set "the crowd went wild" stood up as a literal interpretation . I keep thinking what inner depths has all this come from ? Or have I created this being ? Wow ! All children are amazing but sometimes they can truly amaze you just that little bit more .
If I were an attentive mother Sparrow , marshalling her fledglings on a high branch I would see there's no need to nudge him off in to the blue yonder ; he has already soared away , enjoying a free-wheeling flight I can only marvel at !

Here is my middle son also enjoying the gig , from the " mosh pits" !
Well, away with the purple prosed Boast-a-thon - I have a competition piece to finish , and a Bear Artists Online Summer Show to get ready for !
t.t.f.n xx
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