queue-at-8.am- Doctor's is unavoidable :0(
Less of the health-rant digression .... I was particularly busy at the computer last Thursday afternoon - yes , I should have been sewing , when the phone rang . At first I had the call pegged as one of those charity calls from a personable young lady , who gabbles all her spiel while your brain glazes over , but then I suddenly realised I was hearing the word "bear" , and "they must be purple bears" as they wanted to put them "in the rooms" and they had seen a little purple bear on my website. Well what on earth was it all about then ? I tuned my brain in better ; she was calling about someone they had staying in the hotel , but couldn't divulge many details ......HUH ???
The next thing she asked was whether they could have a discount for "bulk ordering" and mentioned that all the bears would need to be identical ... oh , and there was a time constraint - hmmm,suddenly we were dealing with a whole different kettle of fish ; "bulk" doesn't sound like 1 or 2 bears then ! I had to explain that as my little bruins are hand sewn , and hand produced there was unfortunately no way I could fill bulk orders , and that even a couple of bears take their time . By necessity it is an unhurried occupation (not to mention an evolution of sorts !)Whilst I am fairly good at achieving similar features it is also not really possible to guarantee each bear as an identical 2 and a bit inches to each other !
The nice young lady was regretful , but she could see that it was just not going to be possible .
Later on , feeling intrigued , I embarked on a little detective work to glean the caller's number (using 1471) then used an internet programme to check the area code .
It even gave a locale map : centre of London - the very heart of the Big Smoke ; covering London Eye , Houses of Parliament , St James' Park - and the O2 arena (used to be The Millenium Dome) Husband narrows eyes ; " there's a load of big hotels around there..."
So now we spin (ooh not that word !) off in to fantasy . Who could this mystery person be ? Obviously likes purple .... are they , dare I breathe it , famous ? This is a tiny bear with a diddy purple hat , set at a rakish angle . I've just been reading one of the blogs in my listing to the right . The artist went to see a performer at the O2 arena ...... NO ....it couldn't be
him surely ? I think I've just gone off the edge of the world .....
I'll come back when I'm feeling more sensible !!

1 comment:
OMG !! Well who knows?... it could be......
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