I had a post all lined up in my head ; about the Siskins that have re-appeared in my garden (joy !) but it will have to wait as I have some wonderful news ! Amongst my emails this morning was a message to say my 3" mini bear , "Pollyanna", has received a nomination for a Golden Teddy award !!! I was so stunned - although I managed a squeal of delight . I feel so proud to have even been considered by the judges .... she didn't make it through the TBS awards if you remember , but I'm glad I stuck with her as I really feel that she represents my very best endeavours .
Sorry , but I can't resist posting another little pic' of her !
The sun is shining , the birds are singing - what a lovely day (tra-la-la !!!!)
T.T.F.N Ruth x
Congratulations to you too Ruth!!!! What a grand thing and well deserved.
I certainly hope to add one of your bears to my collection this year - once I get all the BAO bills paid!!
I know you are walking on air!!!! Enjoy the view!
Love and hugs,
Wow Ruth. A big congratulations to you. That is great news.And so well deserved. She is so sweet. Many hugs, Tina
Oh thank you so much ! Your lovely words mean such a lot to me :0)
Hugs right back !
Ruth x
Good on you. Just shows to stick with your gut feeling. I've not seen this bear and I think she's brill!
she is just totally perfect, such a well deserved nomination - WELL DONE :) Catherine x
I couldn't be more pleased for you Ruth! Congratulations!!!!
Ladies your comments are truly touching - my warmest "thanks" ! I'm still on Cloud Nine !! :0) :0)
Huggies ,
Ruth x
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