Last Saturday was my parents' Golden Wedding ; 50 years of laughter and happiness ! Even though the carefully planned "do" has had to be postponed (due to one pinned and plated leg in plaster !) we had an enjoyable family day together . In the evening we watched a DVD of "Some Like it Hot" which I took with me as a little cheering-up present - it turned out to be rather apt , as it was nearly the same age as my parents' marriage ; having been made in 1959 . Even my sons watched it , and I caught one of them actually laughing at a black and white film .... which as every tech-savvy teen would agree are generally so beneath contempt they're off the radar !!! Lol ! I noticed that Marilyn Monroe wore a fur wrap very similar to the one I saw in Bath .
I had my own 20th wedding anniversary this year - Ceramic , apparently ! Well here we are in the heart of the Potteries , but as Ashley worked for Wedgwood for many years I've got more dinner service than I could shake a stick at - so we passed on the presents this time . In another 5 years it will be Silver... hmm sounds more promising ! I can't believe that it's 25 years ago that I made a celebratory , fully iced cake for my parents' silver wedding ! I was only 20 myself (sigh) and then practically equi-distantly I made them a Ruby wedding cake 15 years later for their 40th anniversary . I was really proud of that one with its sugar paste ivy and roses arranged on top . Perhaps I should have produced a cake this time .... maybe I made the scheme of things go wonky by not doing so ? Oh , I dunno ....
Here are some of the beautiful , vintage style original wedding cards from those 50 years back in time.

When I was looking for photos to illustrate this post I first found this gorgeous golden rose , snapped in a Norfolk stately home garden -

and it is a lovely symbol for a Golden Wedding ; both myself and my mother adore roses - especially scented ones . They epitomise romance and perfection , so they are a wonderful visual allusion , but I prefer this next photograph to end my post . I forget where Ashley took this , but I love the golden dappling along the way , and shafts of sunlight ahead on that long road ; to me it is the perfect symbol for a long and very happy marriage .

TaTa For Now ,
Ruth xx
A lovely post Ruth, it even made this ol' cynic hopeful for the future! Love the pics of your parent's original wedding cards x
D'you know they've still got every single one Paula ! I love looking through all that old stuff :0)
Hugglets , Ruth
Isn't that gorgeous that they still have all their wedding cards. Your Mum looks so svelte and beautiful in her wedding outfit. Congratulations to them both. That is no mean feat nowadays. My Mum and Dad are heading up towards their 60th and it seems quite unbelievable.
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