Please forgive my squeakiness , but I had the very best of news yesterday ; I have received nominations in the categories : "Single Miniature Bear" , and "Group of Miniature Bears" in the British Bear artist Awards !!!
I was so surprised to hear from Teddy Bear Club International , who co-host the awards , as I had all those little anxious hopes tucked away at the back of my mind for at least another week to go yet . It is just so thrilling to be nominated at all but I'm chuffed beyond belief to receive 2 ! :0) Oh , I sincerely hope I don't sound all Fat-headed ? Honestly , I'm just .... really amazed !
Here are the little nominees :- "Lily" ; who is 2.5" tall sitting , wearing her lace collar with Swarovski crystal and freshwater pearl trim , and the Group piece ; "Golden Celebration" - a 3" Mr and Mrs in 2 shades of Vintage Long Pile upholstery velvet , posed in a golden rose with a teeny 1.6" Cupid looking on .

Of course the inspiration for the Group bears was my parents' Golden Wedding - I set about re-creating a beautiful David Austen English rose which is called Golden Celebration . Each of the bears has a golden accent somewhere ; on the nose , or eyes . The little "Mr." carries a bouquet of gold roses for his little lady . The lace for her frilled collar was a totally lucky find in Norfolk ; antique , hand made and a natural "old gold" pale shade . They were so difficult to photograph though ! Thanks (as always) to my "other-half-with-the-camera" !

It's supposed to be bitterly cold this week - but I shall have warm , happy thoughts to beat the chill !
Ta Ta For Now ,
Ruth x
That is SO great news Ruth. Big congratulations. Your entries are so lovely - I´m sure they will do well. I cross my fingers for you. Well done you.
Many hugs, Tina
Woo Hoo Congrats hun, your bears are so adorable. It will be lovely to see you again
Vicki xx
Hi Tina , Vicki ,
you're both SO kind :0) very many thanks xxxx ( and Best of Luck with your outstanding entries too Vicki ! See you there ! )
Mini Huggies , Ruth x
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