Although the ornamental fish in my garden seems to be laughing and enjoying himself I'm not exactly thrilled by the f-f-freezing weather ! I did think my 2 little dogs looked cuter than cute in their warm fleecy coats though ,so I asked Ashley to take photos of them . We have had temperatures down to -6 here in the Midlands ; which is just about as cold as it gets in the UK .

"Mmmmmm , yummy; taste a bit Lilah !" whispered Delphi (Chihuahua)

"Look at me - I'm the Snow-Papillon Princess !"
I should really be posting pics of last weekend's awards in Hove for the British Bear Artist Awards , but they're still in Ashley's camera unfortunately ! For those who don't already know ; Tiffany was placed 2nd in the Single Miniature Bear category . I was extremely pleased to get such a respectable award ( after all, 3 of the 6 nominees sadly go home empty handed ) and I was just as delighted by those gorgeously lovely people who let me know they thought she would win ! :0) It just so happened that some of my equally lovely beary-friends also came 2nd in their categories too. I think the judges found it really hard work deciding between the pieces , which were all wonderful in their own way . I believe the full results will be shown in the Feb/Mar Teddy Bear Times due out in the middle of January.
Ta Ta For Now - wrap up warm !
Ruth xx
(Dog coats by eBay seller - Millie's Petwear )