Although the ornamental fish in my garden seems to be laughing and enjoying himself I'm not exactly thrilled by the f-f-freezing weather ! I did think my 2 little dogs looked cuter than cute in their warm fleecy coats though ,so I asked Ashley to take photos of them . We have had temperatures down to -6 here in the Midlands ; which is just about as cold as it gets in the UK .

"Mmmmmm , yummy; taste a bit Lilah !" whispered Delphi (Chihuahua)

"Look at me - I'm the Snow-Papillon Princess !"
I should really be posting pics of last weekend's awards in Hove for the British Bear Artist Awards , but they're still in Ashley's camera unfortunately ! For those who don't already know ; Tiffany was placed 2nd in the Single Miniature Bear category . I was extremely pleased to get such a respectable award ( after all, 3 of the 6 nominees sadly go home empty handed ) and I was just as delighted by those gorgeously lovely people who let me know they thought she would win ! :0) It just so happened that some of my equally lovely beary-friends also came 2nd in their categories too. I think the judges found it really hard work deciding between the pieces , which were all wonderful in their own way . I believe the full results will be shown in the Feb/Mar Teddy Bear Times due out in the middle of January.
Ta Ta For Now - wrap up warm !
Ruth xx
(Dog coats by eBay seller - Millie's Petwear )
You can keep all that cold to yourself Ruth, I am enjoying beautiful weather here in Oz. Your doggies look gorgeous in their little coats though. :-)
Congratulations on your win!
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
I have kind of a random question... how do you like Papillons?
What are the pluses and minuses of the breed?
Hi Ruth
My daughter is in London and totally excited about the possibility of a white Christmas. She's always had an amazing glee about all things Christmas and is having a ball I think :)
Have a good one
Happy Christmas , and many Hugs Sandi , Linda and Heather :0)
Hmmmmmm , how should I sum up Papillons? They are pretty , intelligent ,biddable and like to learn from you. They can be tucked under an arm , some almost never bark (unless encouraged - my girl is an "announcer" :0) ) incredibly cheap to "run" as their appetite is tiny!Love frolicking in the snow , are quite capable of v. long walks ,they have the funniest way of playing ; scrumpling on their backs and dexterously using their paws to hold things (see Utube too !)They are perfect companions who don't want huge amounts of fussing or cuddles.
BUT - they are delicately boned ,can be a bit "precious" ; Lilah will squeal if she thinks you MIGHT pull her hair ,have very sensitive ,single coats which do need some brushing care , some Paps hate rain and won't go out in it !They will stare at you until you get their thought messages !!Mine seems not to be interested in playing with other dogs (too hoity toity !!)and she doesn't like a room full of people .
They are not too easy to come by in the UK .... but I'd have another if I could !
Mini Hugs , Ruth
Hi Ruth
Congratulations on your BBAA award!
All that snow looks pretty chilly but I love your doggies in their outfits, very sweet indeed. We are enjoying an overcast humid day of 31c
and our dogs are lying around, flat out, on the cool tiles. Cheers to you for a jolli Christmas
beary hugs,
Robyn :)
Congratulations on your awards.
Love your tiny dogs.
Have a wonderful Christmas, see you at Hugglets
Thank you so much Robyn and Wendy for stopping by . I wish you both the Happiest of Christmases ; one tropical , one white !!
If I'm at Hugglets I'll be sure to come over and say hello (I was a bit too shy before ! )
Mini Hugs , Ruth x
Hi Ruth!
Oh, your dogs looks so cute in their coats playing in the snow!
Here we did not have as much snow and it stayed only for a few days... Christmas day and eve were rainy.
Temperatures managed to go as low as almost minus ten (degrees Celsius) before we had snow and it was really freezing.
Lots of hugs,
Dear Ruth
A very happy New Year to you and your family. Your little dogs are gorgeous.
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