I have received a "Makes My Heart Smile" blog award from Vicki , over at Baggaley Bears - Thank You so much Vicki ! These little awards are a fun part of blogging , and it's always lovely to know that someone has thought of you . Here are the rules :
1. The winner may post the logo on their blog.
2.Put a link to the person who sent the award to you.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4.Put a link to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees .
I will be passing "Makes My Heart Smile" on to these great ladies :-
Boot Button Bears - Christine
Jelly Belly Bears - Sarah
Matilda Huggington-Beare - Wendy
Valewood Bears - Pauline
Pandy Potter Bears - Amanda
Tiny Bear - Tina
I'm afraid it's not quite the full complement but lots of blogs I visit have either received the award already , or I know that the authors are away right now ; so I hope I can be forgiven ! I should really be hogging all my time for creating bears for The Teddy Bear Artist Event which is now galloping up over the horizon (June 7th , Stratford upon Avon Civic Hall ) and if I can ever get my act together I'll post preview photos on here . Talking of previews reminds me I have got this little teaser pic' done for the TBACA Black and White Ball which is a week long event starting on 1st June . It will be a masked ball - so don't expect any more revealing photos than this prior to Miniatures Day on Thursday , 4th June !!

Right , back to sewing now !
T.T.F.N Ruth X
Edited to add :- Hugs and Thank Yous to Paula of All Bear for also passing this award on to me from her blog :0)