I have received a "Makes My Heart Smile" blog award from Vicki , over at Baggaley Bears - Thank You so much Vicki ! These little awards are a fun part of blogging , and it's always lovely to know that someone has thought of you . Here are the rules :
1. The winner may post the logo on their blog.
2.Put a link to the person who sent the award to you.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4.Put a link to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees .
I will be passing "Makes My Heart Smile" on to these great ladies :-
Boot Button Bears - Christine
Jelly Belly Bears - Sarah
Matilda Huggington-Beare - Wendy
Valewood Bears - Pauline
Pandy Potter Bears - Amanda
Tiny Bear - Tina
I'm afraid it's not quite the full complement but lots of blogs I visit have either received the award already , or I know that the authors are away right now ; so I hope I can be forgiven ! I should really be hogging all my time for creating bears for The Teddy Bear Artist Event which is now galloping up over the horizon (June 7th , Stratford upon Avon Civic Hall ) and if I can ever get my act together I'll post preview photos on here . Talking of previews reminds me I have got this little teaser pic' done for the TBACA Black and White Ball which is a week long event starting on 1st June . It will be a masked ball - so don't expect any more revealing photos than this prior to Miniatures Day on Thursday , 4th June !!

Right , back to sewing now !
T.T.F.N Ruth X
Edited to add :- Hugs and Thank Yous to Paula of All Bear for also passing this award on to me from her blog :0)
Love your sneakpeek photo...too cute!
Thanks for the award...Thats very sweet of you. MWAH!! I always love visitng your blog.
Awwww - thanks a lot Ruth. What a nice surprice to get home to. It´s so sweet of you. Will post it on my blog asap. Checking emails and unpacking today. Have to start planning and packing for the fair soon too:D. Looking forward to give your a big hug too.
Talk to you soon.
Big hugs, Tina
Hi Ruth,
Thank you so much for the lovely blog award. That was so sweet of you. My husband is in hospital again at the moment and so I am rushing around like a mad woman. As soon as I get a minute I shall put it on my blog. I love the butterfly sneak peak you have done. It looks just wonderful.
Hugs, Christine, xxxx
Many Beary Hugs to all of you !
Not long to the B+W Ball now !! :0)
Huggies ,
Ruth x
Awww, Ruth! I only just saw your comment on my blog about my heart :) Thank you so much, hehe, no, I bet Pippin had nooo influence at all ;) Huggies :) XX
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