I am very honoured , and sincerely flattered , to receive a really special blog award passed on from Tina ; The Bella Sinclair Award . I think Tina herself , was very deserving of it as her blog has the most wonderful and inventive pieces of altered art and her bears to enjoy , and she is one of the most caring , sharing ladies I know :0)
The originator of the award , Ces (Ces and Her Dishes) states that :- " I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honour the value of friendship , sisterhood , sharing and caring . It is to be awarded to the gifted , accomplished , eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best . It is symbolised by the Quercus Lobata , or Valley Oak , a handsome and graceful tree ." A visit to Ces' blog will reveal the moving story behind her creation of the award .
There are no formal rules with this , and I have had a very long think about how I might carefully pass on the commendation . Whilst all my blogging friends are highly worthy I have decided to highlight 3 ladies who totally inspire me on to do my best , and whose friendship and influence I truly value :-
Sandi Smith (Bearly Sane Teddies) - for her innovative art , her invaluable contributions toward promoting bear artistry, and her tireless work behind the scenes of TBACA and beyond . Sandi is a great friend and the best "Mother Hen" ever ; always there , and always sharing .
Paula Carter (All Bear) - Paula's blog is impeccably maintained , and a great place to view the highest bear art , whilst behind the scenes she works so diligently to unite bear artists - The Guild of Master Bear Crafters being one example - fantastic B.F to us all !
Donna Griffin ( Donna and the Bears) - amazing artistry to sigh over , and the kindest , sweetest lady who I am honoured to call a friend ; Donna also promotes the work of bear artists with altruistic generosity . "Good Luck" with the up-coming presentation to collectors !
I have known all these dear ladies since we all joined (the late) Bear Artists Online , and it is a pleasure to still belong to the wider teddy Sisterhood with them !

Now then , so you don't think I'm only ever serious and not much fun , here's a piece of "art" I created earlier (look it's even in a gallery , wink , wink ....)

Which reminds me ; I'm longing to see the current issue of Teddy Bear Review as there is an article about British Bear artists in it , and my little "Miss Majesty" has put in an appearance !
Happy Days !
T.T.F.N Ruth xx
Thank you so much Miss Ruth! I truly appreciate your thinking of me for this award and for your friendship. BAO was truly an introduction to the world. It's so nice to think of friends in the many time zones who sit and sew and may sometimes be thinking of me!
Many special hugs, Donna
Thank you Ruth, I am honoured indeed that you have presented me with this award. Like you, I often think of our dear Penny and her contribution to the world of bears...without her inspiration TBACA would probably never have seen the light of day. So, as a tribute to Penny and BAO, I accept this award with pleasure.
P.S. Sorry I forgot to mention I love your latest piece of "art" (thumbs up)!!
My pleasure Donna , Sandi ;
although we sit behind these square "things" in reality , it feels like we all live in the same road :0)
Bearmaker Avenue is a wonderful friendly place !
Oh Ruth, what a lovely award ... I'm very touched! Thank you so much x
Given with sincere pleasure Paula !
Huggiest Hugs ,
Congratulations on receiving this lovely award Ruth. Your new piece of artwork hanging in the Gallery is just superb, and very much a "Masterpiece". What a giggle.
Do you ever hear anything about Penny from BAO? I often wonder how she is getting on.
HeeHeee - it's such addictive fun ; watch out there'll be teds everywhere :0) :0)
Sadly I don't hear anything about our friend Christine . I know that we would all wish her "warmest Hugs" , and she's still very much in our thoughts .
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