Wednesday 23 January 2013

200th Anniversary

The 28th January will mark the 200th anniversary of the publication of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Her work has never been out of print in two hundred years (!) but lots of readers have an extra special soft spot for this novel - and of course the many and varied TV and film adaptations of the book! There has been a whole slew of radio programmes recently, dedicated to the eternal appeal of Miss Austen's story of the Bennet family and their friends, and the marriage fortunes (and misfortunes) of them all.

 I've cosied up with my new Best Mate - or Kindle Fire HD to name it ..... again!!... for the perfect accompaniments of listening to the discussions on BBC iplayer whilst sewing my little ones for Hugglets. What could be more relaxing??? It has also been most obliging in giving me lots of other ways ( or excuses?!) to join in the celebrations; for instance I found a really interesting blog:
 "Austenprose - A Jane Austen Blog"   which is encouraging readers to take part in a challenge to read as many books as you can which are linked to the original novel. My little Kindle has already shown me there are lots of novels inspired by the original ; using a further development of events, or imagining the story from another character's point of view etc. It is always well worth reading any reviews first though, as I'm sure some of them are a bit... um... iffy in calibre.

Anyway, I thought I'd put a short list here of a few of the books / ebooks I've come across which would make a lovely indulgent purchase if you love all things Austen like me!!

"Lydia Bennet's Blog" - Valerie Laws : : deliciously funny and naughty skit on the youngest sister Lydia's version of events, which manages to work in lots of quotes from the original book.

"The Jane Austen Pocket Bible" - Holly Ivins  : : the companion book for all of the novels, with details about Jane herself, and social history of the period.

"May, Lou & Cass, Jane Austen's nieces in Ireland" - Sophia Hillan  : : how the tangled lives of Jane's nieces eerily mirrored some of the situations and histories of characters she had created long before.

"What matters in Jane Austen?" - John Mullan : : twenty questions prompted by the novels are discussed.

"The Real Jane Austen" - Paula Byrne : : this one has just been Radio 4 Book of the Week, and discussing items personal to Jane Austen. The author may just have uncovered the only true illustration of the lady herself (the only other certified likeness was drawn by Jane's sister, Cassandra, of her from behind!)

You could always spend an idle minute taking the quiz at "which Austen heroine are you?" whilst dreaming about the perfect Mr.Darcy.......ahem, back to the multitude of sewing methinks!!

TaTa For Now!
Ruth xxx

1 comment:

Kays Kids said...

I didn't know there were so many Ruth.