I just managed to get these pics ; above is my new , absolutely favourite decoration which I pounced on in Paperchase . I love these elegant hands ; reminds me of those old Mavala adverts that used to be seen on the wall in hairdressers ( remember them ?) As a child I was so fascinated by those stylish , sleek , impossibly glamorous finger nails - harking back to 1930s Vogue illustrations - that I determined I would grow mine long when I was a bit older . Well , dear reader I did ! My nails have been ultra long since I was 14 ... I'd be lost without them LOL .
I just knew that this star with a pearly centre was "the one" to hang from a finger . Wish I could leave it in place all year .....

Next are the Red Nose family ; felties I designed and made when my 18 yr old was a baby . They come out every year to survey proceedings - ahhhhh!

One last thing , before I crash out with coughing , and crossing my fingers the "fairies" make it to the end of the To Do list - and that is to wish everybody ; friends ,fellow bear makers , collectors and bloggers ,
a very Happy Christmas and New Year !
Festive Hugs ,
Ruth xx

Thankyou Ruth for inviting me into your christmasy world. What beautiful displays.
Merry Christmas and may 2009 smile upon you with his cheesiest smile.
Hope you're having a great time on your holidays Wendy :0)
A very Happy New Year to you too ,
Huggos , Ruth x
OOOO... I'm in awe of that gorgeous hand too!!!! I would totally leave that up all year! Beautiful & elegant! Hugs and a happy 2009 to you!
Thank you Kim !
A very Happy and healthy New Year to you and your family :0)
Hugs , Ruth
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