Who's that through the door in to Hall 4 , slurping a drink before opening time - good grief it's me ! Yes , I really did attend my first ever Hugglets as an exhibitor , and what a day I had !
There is a very special atmosphere at Hugglets , although it's difficult to sum up ; " busy expectation " or "vibrant warmth" both sound inadequate but come close . The show's organisers Irene and Glenn do the most amazing job of making everybody feel welcome and at home , whether exhibitor or visitor . Despite my rather nervous start to setting up we glided smoothly to 11am when the doors opened for the enormous queue of excited collectors , and the halls remained bustling until closing time at 4.30pm .
It's always a great pleasure to meet up with fellow bear makers , and I managed to speak to quite a few ( and tease All Bear's Paula with my teeny little bag of supplies !! ) I was also very honoured to have 6 pieces sell to a very distinguished venue overseas ... not sure if I should mention it so I'll keep it under my hat for now , and I made contact with a most prestigious bear shop which may lead to something interesting . Without trowelling on the hyperbole I can honestly say I had an amazing time !
I met some wonderful new people who had great enthusiasm for my little creations - it really does boost the confidence to hear compliments on your work , which after all comes in to being in a somewhat isolated and intently focused environment . I must thank each and every person who decided that a Flutter-By Bear would be welcome in their Hug :0)

I've got a few snaps of Kensington to share in my next post - 'til then -
T.T.F.N Ruth x
Big congratulations Ruth. I´m so glad you had a such fantatic fair. Your table looks beautiful.
hugs, Tina
Thank you Tina :0)Not long 'til June and the TBAE is it ? heehee
I enjoyed peeking in at Hugglets! Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you had an amazing time. Bear shows are wonderful for connecting with others as well as bears and one day I'd love to be able to join you at Hugglets. Congratulations on the award & prospective new collectors. It would be great to see your bears in the fur. Maybe one day. . .
Congrats on your success! It looks like it was a wonderful showing:)
Ah Ruth, what a lovely stand, so so pretty :)
Sue xx
Hi Ginger , Hi Kim ;it is isn't it? :0)
Thanks for "peeking" . It would be so great to one day meet at a fair Ginger ... I would really love to cuddle with your bears too - heehee
Kim - you have beautiful pics on your blog , and I just discovered the Book Club link .... I have to join up! Couldn't be any closer to my own taste , wow ! LOL
Oh Sue ....you comment was hidden at the bottom just then - sozz' :0)
Thank you so much that's sooo kind of you *hugs* :0)
Well done you! Just shows how things can happen, I can guess the missing 'can't tells'. You really deserve it and its nice hear things are going well. Maybe one weekend I'll bump into you up Anley duck or shopping in Newcastle. Nice one me owd marrow!
I didnt realise it was your first Hugglets.
Congrats for a beautifully set out table. It certainly makes your wee adorable bears enticing.
HeeHee ; we always say that Amanda - "going up 'Anley duck" I love accents and dialect (hence that comment on your blog !!) I think it would be awful if some of these words disappeared ... we should do blog entries ;0) Thanks for your kindness too .
Wendy you're so sweet ! Those few bits and pieces are surprisingly heavy ... the wheel fell off the trolley loaded with the 2 packed crates . @*&^%! thing !! LOL
Ruth your stand looked beautiful, very well planned and thought out. Congratulations on doing so well for your first Hugglets, you deserve it.
I'm still sulking after seeing your teeny tiny bag of bear supplies! LOL! Lovely to catch up with you at the show Ruth and so pleased your first Hugglets was such a success!
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