I've booked tickets today for "The Shakespeare Town Houses" - the entry remains valid for a whole year , so we don't need to rush round all 3 on the Saturday . Also included is entry to the "Shakespeare Found" Exhibition .... wheeeeee , I'm really excited as it's all about the recently verified painting by Cobbe , of a young handsome version of The Bard , previously unknown to historians.The original is on show .
I can't wait !
See you all after the weekend ,
Ruth xx
I would love to have them all! Wonderful work. I doubt many will return home with you. Have a great show.
Oh - they are so cute Ruth. I LOVE those tiny dolls too - how amazing. Looking forward to see them for real and for the Sheakespeare stuff too :D
Coffee and cake sounds yummii - not long now
big hugs, Tina
Just adore your sweetie bears Ruth, and you puppies are just too cute as usual xx
Awwwww ,thank you so much Ginger , Tina , Sarah ; it was so lovely of you to leave these comments :0)
Wish we were all going to the fair together !
Tina - take care on your trip , see you Sat ! :0)
Loveys ,
Ruth x
Bearly Sane said...
Just as I have come to expect of you, exquisite wee bears. Love them all Ruth ... why oh why can't I win Lotto!!! LOL!!
P.S. Sorry about the first post ... full of typos!
I know the show will be wonderful Ruth - wish I were close enough to attend! I so love visiting your little ones on your blog and reading of your "doings" and am sending a "makes my heart smile" award your way. I know you've received it before, but wanted to post a link to you so that those visiting me could find you! Hugs, Donna
Ow thanks Sandi :0) You're always so full of encouragement ... sending you big Hugs {} ....
Donna ; that is just the sweetest thing *blush* I feel really lucky to have such wonderful friends :0)
Mini Beary Hugs ,
Ruth xx
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