That's a strange thing to say isn't it ? Of course , neither my Papillon (above) or I , have really found actual Bluebells amongst the soggy , tired grass - but what I mean is ; sometimes life can delight you with its own metaphorical Bluebell clumps ! There are happy or lucky things which lift you way above all the gloom of the daily media news grinding , or the wan , grey strains of a UK sun with a sniffle !
I was absolutely thrilled to be chosen for the February artist profile on Teddy Bears and Critters Australasia . Sandi Smith , who runs this whole wonderful group , decided to introduce one of the Affiliate members in more detail and so I feel very lucky and honoured by it . The interview is beautifully written up , at a really busy time for Sandi when she is preparing for the Be My Valentine Show on 14th February - thank you so much :0)
You can click here if you'd like to visit TBACA and see the Feature Artist page .
Whilst mentioning the show , here are 2 tiny teasing pics for you :-

I also got my current copy of Teddy Bear Club International recently , which gives details on The British Bear Artist Awards . Reading the editor's piece about the judging and award placements was very interesting , but also she wrote some lovely things about Lily , who came 1st in the miniatures section . It totally made my head swell to see those words in print ... on a page in a magazine ! Wowie , I was delighted !
I have had some lovely messages from bear artist friends recently and I take genuine pleasure in being part of this community . A few years ago these warm and friendly ladies took me in from the outer fringes "of the fur" , so to speak , making me welcome and giving instant validation to what had become a rather isolated creative process . Well , each adds another little bloom to the bunch !
Imagine my surprise , and sincere pleasure in being handed back the Proximidade Award for a second time by Paula Carter of All Bear !!! And ( I just noticed) from Pauline , over at her super Valewood Bears blog !

Rosy cheeks here too Paula ! Many thanks for all your kindness , and tireless consideration for us all . Thank you too Pauline ; I appreciate your lovely words . Now I have a positive bouquet of smile raising moments !
In the spirit of the awards I hope that no one will mind if I now pass it on to all of you . I truly appreciate everyone who stops in on this blog , and I consider you all to be in "my neighbourhood" . Please be sure to take away a posy of virtual Bluebells with you too! :0)
T.T.F.N Ruth x