1. I was born with Segmental Heterochromia in my left eye . Really, it's just a fancy bit of "optician speak" for a different coloured segment of the iris .Mine is a much darker brown portion at the bottom on the left . It can also be caused by trauma ; think David Bowie and his scissor incident (!) Other people with Heterochromia - Alexander The Great , Kate Bosworth , and Kiefer Sutherland apparently . It's also flippin' difficult to get a photo of !!!

2. From the ages of 7 to 19 I lived in Royston , Hertfordshire , in a road just off Sun Hill . Why of interest ?? In the same town lived the late Geoff McQueen , a writer who came up with the original concept ( and first series scripts ) of a phenomenally successful , long running drama about police based at Sun Hill station . Yes , it was "The Bill" !
I have also read that 2 of the League of Gentleman went to the University of East Anglia , and passing through our town gave them the model for creepy Royston Vasey !!! Cheek !
3. When I was 9 I bought my own copy of "In the Court of the Crimson King" by King Crimson .
I must have looked ridiculous going in to a record shop full of long haired prog-rockers and asking for this album by name - my music taste was always precocious ....
Sample lyric : " Cat's foot iron claw ,
Neuro-surgeons scream for more
At paranoia's poison door ,
Twenty first century schizoid man "
How funny that my oldest son who's nearly 19 , has lately "discovered" this album and rates it most highly , whilst betraying a slight glimmer of being impressed with my early discernment . LOL
4. I first saw my husband when I was 12 , and he was 13 . He was riding up and down the road outside my friend's house without holding on to his handle bars !! I was impressed ( not to mention smitten) although I don't remember thinking "that's the man I'm going to marry" exactly . Somewhat later on , bearing in mind I first read Gone With the Wind at 14 , I marvelled at how splendiferous it was that he had my favourite name of all : Ashley
( Here's a smushy photo taken when I was 16 , and he 17 )

5. I once bumped in to Fiona Fullerton ( English actress , who played Alice in Wonderland in the 70s ) in the ladies room in a swish Cambridge department store . We're talking small room here. Thank goodness I affected immediate insouciance , whilst she looked right through me ....
6. I once appeared in a hotel brochure . My parents still have it somewhere . Yes , this was a trip to Bizarre-o-World ! I was 16 ; it was the Angus Hotel in Bournemouth , which had tartan carpets (really) and the proprietor walked about in his kilt with dirks down his socks ( I'm not making it up ) My family got a call from Reception to ask if we'd come down to the lounge and be in the photographs . My sister and I had to pose with drinks by the bar (etc) with a scalpel salesman . I wore purple (what else ? ) He asked me if I was married . Eewwww !!
Well , that wraps it up folks . I will tag -
Baggaley Bears
Fenland Beary Blog
Valewood Bears
Bumpkin Bears
Walnut Tree Corner Bears
Donna and the Bears
Here are The Rules for this Tag Game :-
1. Link to the person who tagged you .
2. Post the rules on your blog .
3. Write 6 random things about yourself .
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them .
5. Let each person know they are tagged , and leave a comment on their blog .
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up .
7. Don't break the chain ( not actually a rule )#
T.T.F.N Ruth x
Hi Ruth, Your random things are very interesting! The photo of you and Ashley is classic!
Very interesting tidbits Ruth ! Thanks for playing :)
You're both so sweet !
Oh heehee Ginger , that photo ; I was thinking the most soppy thoughts when it was taken !!! *sigh* 16 huh ?
Hey... no way! I have CENTRAL heterochromia in both eyes. Mine have a ring of amber right near the pupil... and the rest of the iris is olive green. Mine developed sometime in my teens though. I had chocolate brown eyes as a child. Neat... a "heterochromatic buddy!"
Very entertaining.....
Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions
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