I've been given a lovely surprise by Tina of Tiny Bear - I'm proud to have received my first ever Blog Award !
This one seems to have originated in Portuguese ; "Proximidade" loosely translates as neighbourhood , or possibly community . The spirit of this award is all about forging friendly links amongst bloggers and highlighting people who post with care and attention , whilst having an active interest in others - or (put more eloquently) "investing in the riches of neighbourhood and community "
Here is the official accompanying text :-
" The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming . This blog invests in proximity in space , time and relationships . These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends .
They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandisement . Our hope is that when the ribbons of these awards are cut , even more friendships will be propagated . Please give your kind attention to these writers !
Deliver this award to 8 bloggers who will choose 8 more , and include this cleverly written text in to the body of the award . "
I'm feeling very honoured to have been chosen , and completely chuffed to think anyone might perceive this little blog as "charming" ! And look ; even the sun is shining outside my window with solicitous indulgence !
Here are the 8 blogs I have chosen to pass on the award to , although there are so very many deserving others . Please be so kind as to pay them all a friendly visit :0)
All Bear - Paula Carter
Pandy Potter - Amanda
Bear Treasures - Melanie Jayne
Shantock Bears - Elanor Shantock
Fenbeary Folk - Sue Pemblington
Raggy Rat - Cat Owen
Ellen Borggreve Design - Ellen borggreve
Boot Button Bears - Christine Child
Right , must get back to more sewing now ,
T.T.F.N Ruth x
Congrats on the blog award , how nice to be recognized :)
I also want to tag you and ask you to post 6 random things about yourself. The rules are on my blog if you choose to play :)
hugs, Tammy
Hi Ruth, thank you so much for my award, its so nice to be appreciated.
You are a very lovely lady, who is as sweet as her bears
Beary hugs, Sue xxx
Thank you so much Ruth, big hugs Elanor xx
Hi Ruth thank you so much for the award and thinking of me, it is truly appreciated to be thought of in such a wonderful way.
lots of love
Melanie Jayne
Ahhhh , this is a lovely start to a Thursday :0)
Tammy , I would love to take part in Tag ! I shall get to it as soon as I've put my thinking cap straight !
Hugs to All ,
Ruth xx
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